We landed in the main parking lot and met up with a group of photographers I join from time to time to get out and shoot. This time, we were planning to shoot the night skyline of downtown San Francisco from the middle of the bay on Treasure Island.
As the sun made it's way closer to the horizon, the city was illuminated from behind. What a wonderful spectacle.
We had some hot coffee thanks to the little cafe' and good company thanks to the group. There were about 20 photographers there, all with very similar angles on the City. I thought - what is going to make my shot different from theirs? What will make mine stand out?
Aha! Black and Whites ~ while some of the shots look equally as great in color, they also lended themselves quite well to monochromatic processing.
This was my favorite shot of the day, both in black and white and color.
If you enjoy my posts, I'd like to ask you consider subscribing by email - there's a little box in the top right - or leaving me a comment, just so I know you're there. (Let's be honest, it will boost my ego and encourage me to keep shooting and continue updating my blog with regularity).
This blog started out being just for me, but the feedback has been pretty positive from those around me, so I *might* just be considering starting myself a little side business... Just for fun! In addition, if there is a particular shot you like, please send me a message. I'll be happy to have it printed for display in your home or business.
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